Discover The Root CAUSE of Your Symptoms

We provide advanced testing and personalized nutrition and supplement plans that empower you to reclaim your health naturally with the power of Functional Medicine.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is an approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and addressing the Root CAUSE of illness rather than just masking symptoms.

It emphasizes a holistic understanding of the body's systems and how they interact, often incorporating aspects of nutrition, lifestyle, genetics, and environmental factors into care plans.

At Integrative Wellness, we believe that true wellness goes beyond simply managing symptoms—it involves understanding the unique factors contributing to your health challenges and addressing them at their source.

Our Specialties

Gut Reset

Did you know your gut is considered your "second brain?" When your gut microbiome is imbalanced it can lead to a variety of conditions:

  • Bloating
  • Constipation / diarrhea
  • Leaky gut
  • Candida / yeast overgrowth
  • Frequent UTIs
  • IBS / IBD / SIBO
  • Allergies / Food Sensitivities
  • Depression / anxiety

Hormone Rescue

An estimated 80% of women suffer from some kind of hormone imbalance (1). Symptoms include:

  • Acne
  • Mood swings
  • PMS / irregular menses
  • Hot Flashes
  • Low libido
  • Insomnia
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Unexplained weight gain / loss

Heart & Thyroid Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the US (2). Get a detailed blood work analysis to help you overcome:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetic or prediabetic
  • Risk of heart attack / stroke
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Intolerance to heat / cold
  • Joint and muscle pain

Tired of hearing that your

blood work looks "normal"?

You're not alone. At Integrative Wellness, we listen to your concerns and are able to order Advanced Labs not available through traditional routes. We also include analysis on any current labs you have to provide you with a new viewpoint from a functional approach.

Ready to have more energy and release excess weight?

From Our Clients

I used to struggle with brain fog, no energy, never gaining weight no matter how much I ate, and always got sick or had bad allergies. Now I finally have so much physical and mental energy to accomplish all the things I want. I am able to be more emotionally centered and present because I'm not so exhausted.

I like how she's organized, professional, and doesn't give you vague advice. She actually gives you data-backed, tangible advice with worksheets and works with you to make sure you actually feel better.

Kris R.


For the past several years my stomach had been feeling bloated and irritable… I had just got used to it. It wasn’t until I started to work with Ciaara that I realized that what I am feeling isn’t normal.

Since working with Ciaara my gut bloat is completely gone and my irritable bowel symptoms are a thing of the past. And an unexpected benefit was that by getting my gut right, I’ve also lost a total of 25 lbs. If you're considering getting your health right, and feeling amazing, then I’d strongly recommend working with Ciaara. You won’t regret it!

Boyd H.


Let us help you feel like yourself again.

Book a call and start the journey to uncovering the Root CAUSE of your symptoms.

Your Functional Medicine Coach

Ciaara Hoffmann

Ciaara graduated from the University of British Columbia in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a minor in Psychology.

She is a Functional Medicine Academy Certified Coach and Dietary Supplement Specialist.

After overcoming her own gut health and thyroid challenges, her passion is helping people find the Root C.A.U.S.E. of their illness and helping them heal from the inside out.

She currently lives in Southern California with her husband and 2 stepchildren. Her favorite activity is traveling - having been to over 25 countries and lived in 3 continents.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use my existing labs?

Yes! Please send us your existing labs so we can include these in our initial assessment.

Can everything be done virtually?

Yes, all consultations are done virtually via Zoom. Any tests that need to be completed will be mailed to you to complete at home. For blood tests, you will receive instructions to have blood drawn by a phlebotomist in your local area.

What's the difference between over-the-counter supplements and professional grade?

Over-the-counter supplements are not quality controlled or tested. Oftentimes they contain the synthetic version of compounds such as vitamins, making them less bioavailable (not easily absorbed by the body). As a result, you end up wasting money on supplements that don't work. We do our best to provide discounts on high quality supplements to existing clients that are in our long-term programs.

Will the functional medicine approach work for me?

Functional medicine can be applied to a wide range of chronic conditions, including autoimmune disorders, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, metabolic disorders, and more. It is particularly effective for conditions where conventional medicine may fall short in providing long-term solutions. Book a free consult with us to determine your options.

What kind of testing options are available?

Depending on your symptoms, we will determine the appropriate tests or labs to order. Here are some examples:

  • Stool test
  • Hormone urine test
  • Candida or mold test
  • SIBO Breath test
  • "Leaky gut" test
  • Allergies & Food Sensitivities test
Is functional medicine evidence-based?

Functional medicine draws on both traditional medical knowledge and emerging research. While it may incorporate alternative therapies, the approach is rooted in scientific evidence. Practitioners stay updated on the latest research to provide the best possible care.

How long does it take to see results with functional medicine?

The timeline for results varies depending on the individual and the nature of their health concerns. Some patients may experience improvement relatively quickly, while others may require more time for significant changes. Functional medicine is often considered a long-term, preventative approach.

What role does nutrition play in functional medicine?

Nutrition is a fundamental aspect of functional medicine. Practitioners often emphasize the importance of a whole-foods-based diet tailored to an individual's specific needs. Nutritional support is seen as a crucial component in restoring balance and promoting overall well-being.

Can functional medicine be integrated with conventional treatments?

Yes, functional medicine can be integrated with conventional treatments when necessary. The goal is to provide comprehensive care that addresses the root causes while managing symptoms. Collaboration between functional medicine practitioners and conventional healthcare providers is encouraged for optimal patient outcomes.

Do you accept HSA/FSA card payments?

Yes, we do! If this is a payment option you would like to use then please ask us about the details when you book your Discovery Call with us.

Is functional medicine covered by insurance?

Unfortunately at this time, functional medicine is not covered by insurance. We do offer several financing options and payment plans to pay for our services.

Can Ciaara function as my Primary Care Provider?

No, you are expected to maintain your relationship with your primary care provider. Ciaara will work along side them to give you the best possible care.

Not sure if Functional Medicine is right for you?

Book a call and we will help point you in the right direction.

Contact Us


Call/Text: +1 909 217 5510

Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 9 am to 5 pm PST

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Content not evaluated by the FDA nor intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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1 Northwell Health


2 Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention